Easy Cinnamon Apple Galette

Easy Cinnamon Apple Galette

These might not be the nicest photos, but it sure is a delicious dessert!
Easy Cinnamon Apple Galette

I’ll state that this is healthy because, first of all, there’s apples (duh!), which contain important antioxidants. Secondly, there’s a minimal amount of added sugar and it still tastes sweet!Read More »

Sesame Seed Bagels

Sesame Seed Bagels

(Disclaimer: This recipe is from the lovely Margaret Anne from Natural Chow, but I’m just posting how I made it using her recipe.)

I was procrastinating bored yesterday and I really wanted to make something easy. When I need inspiration, I always head over to Pinterest and there were like five pictures of bagels that popped up instantly, so if that wasn’t a sign, I don’t know what would be.
Sesame Seed Bagels

My first attempt at these weren’t so bad, if I say so myself. Sure, they aren’t perfectly round and the hole might be a bit too big, but it tastes way better than a store-bought bagel (no preservatives and all those other bad things!).

So when I was looking at the other bagel recipes floating around the internet, all of them had to boil the bagels before baking them. I thought that was very weird, like putting dough in water before baking it? Who came up with that?
Sesame Seed Bagels

Naturally, I had to search it up.Read More »

Crispy Sweet Apple Chips

You know those apple chips that you can buy at the store? The bag you buy when you feel really guilty looking at all those delicious salty chips in all different sizes and flavours? Well you can make it way cheaper at home by just using apples and a slicer/really good knife skills! We first made these a few years ago but it took so much time and sweat using a vintage mandolin slicer, as we had to move the apple back and forth across the blade to create thin slices of apples. Which was even harder to do in the summer heat. And the end result was tiny shriveled apple chips, that although tasted really good, disappeared too quickly for all that effort.
Crispy Sweet Apple Chips

So we didn’t make them again until now. My mom decided, after buying a few expensive bags of apple chips, that it was time to attempt making apple chips again, but this time not with the vintage mandolin slicer. Read More »

Easy Homemade Tahini

Easy Homemade Tahini

2 ingredients. That’s all you need. Estoy en amor con esta receta! (I’m taking Spanish in summer school so I couldn’t resist adding that tidbit.) This is really great to use for hummus or as a dip. And it’s super duper smooth and lip smacking delicious.
Easy Homemade Tahini

So I didn’t get the chance to post this during the weekend because I went to a friend’s Quinceanera. A Quinceanera is a celebration marking a girl’s fifteen birthday in Hispanic tradition. It was awesome. There were pink and white decorations everywhere and even metallic gold balloons with the numbers 1 and 5! We ate a lot of good food and danced until the stars came out. It was a pretty cool experience.

Okay, so for the tahini, I started browning the white sesame seeds and it wasn’t long before the sesame aroma wafted throughout the house, which meant that everyone came of course, in the kitchen and asked me what I was making.
Easy Homemade Tahini

Did you know that sesame seeds are proven to reduce blood pressure? And its various minerals and vitamins are linked to a reduction of risk of cancer. Read More »

Easy Vegan Apple Crumble

Easy Vegan Apple Crumble

The simplest crumble recipe ever! I used Gordon Ramsay’s method I picked up somewhere on the internet where he slightly cooks the apples before baking it in the oven and this technique adds much more flavour. But aside from all that technique mumbo jumbo, it’s finally summer! I finished school a few days ago and I feel so relaxed. The only thing I did was read Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare (it’s a really good book but read The Mortal Instruments first!) in one sitting for the entire day. Then I had some ideas brewing so I randomly wrote a short story.
Easy Vegan Apple Crumble

And then I saw that my library had a comic contest, so naturally, I started drawing a comic (for the first time ever which is super hard, you have no idea). Read More »

Easy Healthy Chia Waffles

Easy Healthy Chia Waffles

So I have awesome news today: I made these waffles for lunch.


That is still kind of awesome, but what I really wanted to tell you is that I received some exciting news in the mail yesterday (including a book!).Easy Healthy Chia Waffles

Okay, but before I get there, let me just describe how awesome (or at least to me they were) these waffles are:

Soft on the inside.
Crispy edges.
Lipsmackingly tasty.
Sweet burst of blueberries.
Glistening maple syrup.

Yeah. I inserted healthy in the middle. Because that is partly why the waffle is so good (there’s even no butter, oil or eggs in this but it still tastes good!).
Easy Healthy Chia Waffles

Now the story about the letter in the mail. So yesterday, after I arrived from school (early dismissal!), there was a big package on the counter. Read More »

Sesame Banana Ice Cream

Sesame Banana Ice Cream

Smooth, indulgent ice cream made with just… wait for it… 2 ingredients! And it is healthy and vegan because there is no milk, eggs or sugar! Frozen bananas and sesame powder=1 amazing cool refreshing dessert.
Sesame Banana Ice Cream

Make sure to have frozen bananas on hand, but other than that, there is no way to go wrong. You can’t overheat anything, beat it too long, under mix, etc. Just use a food processor and you’re good.
Sesame Banana Ice Cream

So I had a birthday party this weekend and it was super hot. Like 34 Celsius hot. Which is why I made this ice cream. Partly because of the heat and partly to celebrate the fact that I’m almost 15! (I might have also been influenced by my mom’s obsession with everything sesame, but let’s not delve too far into that).And guess what I got for my birthday? Read More »

Single Serving Chocolate Chip Cookie

Single Serving Chocolate Chip Cookie

It’s made in less than a minute, which means you can make yourself a cookie whenever! All the ingredients are mixed in a ramekin and then baked in the microwave, giving you a soft cookie which literally melts into your mouth laced with chocolate chips. This healthy dessert came to mind after a friend from school suggested me to put a very easy and quick recipe on my blog. So here it is, J!
Single Serving Chocolate Chip Cookie

I love making this when I’m just too lazy to make a big batch of cookies, especially on school days. And for those microwave-haters, I got you covered. This can also be made in the oven, but will take around 15 minutes to bake.
Single Serving Chocolate Chip Cookie

Did I mention that it is vegan?Read More »

Easy Pita Bread

Yum. This is a killer bread machine recipe. Why? Because it makes pita pockets! Which you can fill with literally anything, such as an avocado mixture, or curry, or falafel, or your salad, or chunks of chicken wrapped in lettuce… Shall I continue? Oh, and it also has a fragrant fresh smell that wafts from the oven to your nose.
Easy Pita Pockets

Since I’m all caught up in school, I’ll just leave you with the recipe. And photos of course.
Easy Pita Bread

Look! There’s a pocket! It was actually easier than I thought it would be.
IMG_3068Read More »