Gooey Chocolate Zucchini Brownies

Gooey Chocolate Zucchini Brownies

I recently started using Pinterest, mainly because every time I see something interesting on the website this annoying pop up appears and I can’t see what caught my eye. So I made an account. I didn’t understand why people would take hours just pinning stuff, but now it all makes sense. I love putting everything in boards. It feels like I’m organizing my life. And it’s so easy. That’s also where I found the inspiration for these healthy delicious brownies.

Gooey Chocolate Zucchini Brownies

Nowadays, you can hide veggies in anything and it will still taste good. Like these chocolate zucchini brownies. I am insanely in love with this. The chocolate just oozes in my mouth and afterwards my hands are covered with sticky chocolate, but it’s worth it! (Although having chocolaty fingers in Spanish class is not ideal when we have to write stuff down.)Read More »

Fudgy Coconut Oil Brownies

These are the BEST brownies I’ve ever tasted. Better than the ones loaded with butter. I know, a healthy brownie recipe which tastes even better than the original ones? Yep. I present you fudgy, rich, indulgent brownies with a crackly top made with coconut oil and no butter whatsoever.
Fudgy Coconut Oil Brownies

There is this sort of, almost, cookie-like texture surrounding the middle, which is the fudgy part of the brownie. So you get two textures, crackly when you bite into it, and the delicious chocolate gooey bliss in the middle.

My mouth was watering when I typed that.
Fudgy Coconut Oil Brownies

Guess I should get to the recipe part before I make myself another batch. (Because I already finished off the first one!)
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