Sesame Seed Bagels

Sesame Seed Bagels

(Disclaimer: This recipe is from the lovely Margaret Anne from Natural Chow, but I’m just posting how I made it using her recipe.)

I was procrastinating bored yesterday and I really wanted to make something easy. When I need inspiration, I always head over to Pinterest and there were like five pictures of bagels that popped up instantly, so if that wasn’t a sign, I don’t know what would be.
Sesame Seed Bagels

My first attempt at these weren’t so bad, if I say so myself. Sure, they aren’t perfectly round and the hole might be a bit too big, but it tastes way better than a store-bought bagel (no preservatives and all those other bad things!).

So when I was looking at the other bagel recipes floating around the internet, all of them had to boil the bagels before baking them. I thought that was very weird, like putting dough in water before baking it? Who came up with that?
Sesame Seed Bagels

Naturally, I had to search it up.Read More »